What is the definition of a "Cool Venture?" It's an enterprise that is fueled by passion & motivated by an obsessive interest in a subject, rather than a focus on money as the goal. Working for money is o.k. but that makes the daily grind nothing more than a disagreeable necessity. Turning your passion into profit is cool.
A Cool Venture is a small business, fresh career, skilled trade or artistic pursuit.
When we concentrate our energy on things that we love to do, we will succeed because we will enjoy focusing on those pursuits. Work = Play. We will also love watching these ventures boom and will therefore spend more time making them all they can be. "Do what you love and the money will follow."
This blog will present interviews with entrepreneurs who run Cool Ventures and will offer rock-solid how-to information and resources on how to start your own. I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, so if I figured out how to do it, anyone can. The strategies and tools shared in this blog will help you to never 'work' a day in your life again.
Please send a photo of your Cool Venture to post on this blog: coolventures@live.com
For those of you looking to launch more traditional small businesses and franchise opportunities, please visit www.startyoursmallbiz.blogspot.com.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
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Susie Rakowski
email: coolventures@live.com
twitter: CoolVentures
All Rights Reserved
Cool Ventures(TM) is presented with the understanding that its contents are in no way rendering legal or other professional advice or services. Tools and strategies are offered as a guide based on the author’s experiences. If legal, financial or other expert assistance is required, the services of a lawyer, financial and/or business counselor should be sought. The necessity of licenses and insurance coverage should be checked on a federal, state, county and local basis as they vary accordingly. It is suggested that visitors conduct their own due diligence research in starting their business.
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