We've been fans of Rocio Romero's for years. Her LV Homes are clever, chic, cool and affordable. Perfect for a home, guest suite, or headquarters for your COOL VENTURE. Visit her site at www.rocioromero.com to learn more and check the YouTube video below:
Susie Rakowski www.coolventures.blogspot.com email: coolventures@live.com twitter: CoolVentures www.startyoursmallbiz.blogspot.com All Rights Reserved Cool Ventures(TM) is presented with the understanding that its contents are in no way rendering legal or other professional advice or services. Tools and strategies are offered as a guide based on the author’s experiences. If legal, financial or other expert assistance is required, the services of a lawyer, financial and/or business counselor should be sought. The necessity of licenses and insurance coverage should be checked on a federal, state, county and local basis as they vary accordingly. It is suggested that visitors conduct their own due diligence research in starting their business.
Surfboard rental is a popular small business in Waikiki.
Variety. Fun. Spice. Alternatives. Choice.This blog focuses on cool moneymaking options for you to consider as you enter the work force, or as you face the grim prospect of starting over because your job –-for a wide variety of reasons--no longer exists.
There has never been a better time to take your interest/hobby/passion & turn it into a moneymaking, high-profit enterprise.
Some of the reasons to get into your own Cool Venture: 1. we are all aware that average total cost for college, fees, tuition,room and board are hovering at $30k a year. For many, college is not an option, and hey, who says that investing $120,000 in ‘education’ is any guarantee of a good job, or happiness?
2. we’ve all witnessed our parents/grandparents toiling away for a corporation, only to be dumped right before they were due to receive their pensions. There is no job security.
3. many of the jobs that were once plentiful—especially in the manufacturing & service sector—have been outsourced to other countries. They no longer exist.
4. the government, once a secure haven for workers, has also let its workforce down by shrinking budgets and dissolving departments.
5. nothing is secure. Nothing is certain. We don’t know what the Future has in store for any of us.
We’re not sure…but just in case, we only go around this planet once, let’s make it the best it can be. Why “work” for a living, when everyday doing something you love and feel passionate about, can be “play.”
Picasso said, the true definition of “Success” was when there is no line of demarcation between “work” and “play”.
It was Marsha Sinetar who coined the phrase, “do what you love, and the money will follow.” Whether you are interested in becoming a surfboard shaper, a lighting designer, a hair cutter, a personal chef, a NASCAR driver, web biz owner, inventor, or finding support to pursue your small business dream, this blog is for you.
It will outline & detail cool ventures currently available and demonstrate how to take a crisis or problem & transform it into a moneymaking opportunity.
A Cool Venture is a small business, fresh career, skilled trade or artistic pursuit. Some of the options to be covered might require additional training via trade, professional & vocational schools, internships or apprenticeships, while others are based on your life experience, and your current skills & talents. Please send an email to coolventures@live.com with your comments & questions. Let the games begin!
Picasso defined "Success" as "no line of demarcation between "work" and "play."
You've never heard of me, but thanks, Picasso, I humbly consider myself a 'success.'
I like it when people turn their passion into profit. This blog is dedicated to helping individuals get there by offering resources, solutions & strategies to turn hobbies, obsessions and interests into moneymaking opportunities.
I have worked "for the man" and I'll never do it again. When I was out of work, I made a list of 3 dream occupations. Then, I faced my limitations & cut the list to one option. It took some time to connect the dots but I figured out how to get paid to do something I love.
If you are unemployed or if you are just getting started in the work zone, I hope this blog gives you resources to help you make everyday Fresh, Fun & Spicey. Thank you for your interest. ~ Susie Rakowski in NYC.